Stretchy IK Limbs

 Stretchy System for IK Limbs

  1. Create > measure tools > Distance tool
  2. Holding V key snap the first locator to first joint of IK chain and the second locator to end joint of IK chain.
  3. Rename START and END locator and distanceDimension node.
  4. Point constraint END locator to IK control and START locator to root joint.
  5.  Open Node Editor
  6. Add distanceDimension node with locator shapes previously created.
  7. Create a condition node and rename and change operation to Greater Than.
  8. Create a multiply divide node and rename and change operation to Divide.
  9. Connect Distance of dimension node -to- Input 1X of multiply node.
  10. Connect Distance of dimension node -to- First Term of condition node.
  11. Connect Ouput X of multiply node -to- Color If True R of condition node.
  12. Set the maximum distance of IK controler that straightens the IK chain and get the value of distance node. 
  13. Copy tha value to Second Term of conditin node and to Input 2X of multiply node.
  14. Add to node Editor IK bones.
  15. Connect OutColorR del condition node to Scale X of IK bones.
  16. Create a Switch adding an Attribute to IK control and connecting to pointConstraint of END locator.

 Compensate Global Scale

  1. Add to node editor Global control.
  2. create a multiplyDivide node and rename "scaleCompensate"
  3. Connect Scale Y from global Ctrl -to- Input2X from compensate multiply node.
  4. Set the Input1X from compensate multiply node with maximum straight value from step #12.
  5. Connect OuputX from compensate multiply node -to- Input2X of first multiply node.
  6. Connect OuputX from compensate multiply node -to- SecondTerm of condition node.


We are ready!!



