Stretchy System for IK Limbs
- Create > measure tools > Distance tool
- Holding V key snap the first locator to first joint of IK chain and the second locator to end joint of IK chain.
- Rename START and END locator and distanceDimension node.
- Point constraint END locator to IK control and START locator to root joint.
- Open Node Editor
- Add distanceDimension node with locator shapes previously created.
- Create a condition node and rename and change operation to Greater Than.
- Create a multiply divide node and rename and change operation to Divide.
- Connect Distance of dimension node -to- Input 1X of multiply node.
- Connect Distance of dimension node -to- First Term of condition node.
- Connect Ouput X of multiply node -to- Color If True R of condition node.
- Set the maximum distance of IK controler that straightens the IK chain and get the value of distance node.
- Copy tha value to Second Term of conditin node and to Input 2X of multiply node.
- Add to node Editor IK bones.
- Connect OutColorR del condition node to Scale X of IK bones.
- Create a Switch adding an Attribute to IK control and connecting to pointConstraint of END locator.
Compensate Global Scale
- Add to node editor Global control.
- create a multiplyDivide node and rename "scaleCompensate"
- Connect Scale Y from global Ctrl -to- Input2X from compensate multiply node.
- Set the Input1X from compensate multiply node with maximum straight value from step #12.
- Connect OuputX from compensate multiply node -to- Input2X of first multiply node.
- Connect OuputX from compensate multiply node -to- SecondTerm of condition node.
We are ready!!
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